Friday, August 29, 2008

Well Well

I honestly thought I'd be posting sooner than this. I guess the only excuse I have is that Declan demands a lot of my time. That is proven to me just now when, as I'm writing that last sentence, Declan ran up to me drag me away to his room. Anyways, I'm not here to make excuses or apologize, just to try to stay connected. I don't have too much happening right now other than the norm. I didn't get to the Y as much this week as I would have liked. I couldn't help that much since Declan has a little cold which is a big no no for the nursery there. Declan, some of our friends, and I went to the zoo this week. It was so great to go because it was actually a pretty cool day weather-wise. I did get a job this week which was pretty awesome. I am going to start babysitting a friend's child a few days every week. This job looks to be pretty permanent so it is great to feel like I am contributing again. It is kind of ironic though because I had just gotten to the point where I no longer felt guilty or less of a person because I wasn't bringing money into the house and now I have that opportunity to do so. I already told Brett that we are not counting it into our normal budget though because I won't aways have the job and there is no telling if I'll be needed one week and not the next. So hopefully any money I make can go into the fun or remodeling fund with no worries. I hope everyone has a great labor day weekend! Enjoy the picture of Declan at the balloon festival.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yikes! It's embarrassing to see how long it has been since I have last posted. I wish I could say that all this time has been filled with adventure, fun, and gained life experience but unfortunately most of my time was spent gaining weight, being depressed about said weight, and working up the motivation to get out of the house. That is not to say there hasn't been a few wonderful moments in the past three months. For starters, Declan, my MIL, and I visited family in Florida. We went to the beach, an awesome vegan restaurant, and a balloon festival! It was great visiting with everyone there and I only wished Brett could have come along. Declan and I also visited with other family members in Colorado, more on that later. You might ask where Brett was, well he was very busy at work. One of the few pitfalls of his job is that summer is their crunch time. No trips, no vacation time, nothing but unpaid overtime for him during this season. It makes summer family vacations pretty much impossible. Hum...Another reason to home school maybe? Anyways everything is back on track. I have a weight loss plan(30min-2 hour workouts at the YMCA almost everyday), Brett's less busy at work, and Declan and I are getting out a lot more often. So check back often because I will be posting more in the coming weeks. I have several pictures and memories to share from Pagosa Springs. Also, I'm going to start a series on our bathroom remodel. Exciting stuff!